Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My next review will be . . . . . .

Hi Ya'll,

Well, I won't keep you in suspense any longer.  My next book review will be from one of my favorite authors.  I am so excited about reading this book, so I am hoping that I won't be disappointed.  I don't believe I will be disappointed though since I have loved every one of her books. So here it is folks, and the winner is..........

The Scottish Prisoner by Diana Gabaldon

Happy Reading Ya'll

And Only To Deceive

By Tasha Alexander

This was my first read by author Tasha Alexander and I am quite sure that it will not be my last.  I just loved everything about this story.  Its a love story and a mystery with a historical flair.  I was quite taken by surprise by this novel.  It is a lovely story about a young lady named Emily Ashton, who finds herself marrying a man she hardly knows just for the sole purpose of being able to get out from under her mothers thumb.  From the onset of the book, you discover that her husband had died shortly after their marriage. (I don't feel badly telling you this fact since it happens early on in the book.) Emily has to pretend to mourn a husband that she truly didn't know anything about, which is a difficult and irritating task for her. As time passes she discovers some of her husbands journals and she finds herself genuinely falling in love with him through the words that he has written in his journals.  Emily is now able to genuinely mourn her dead husband Philip with real tears of sorrow.  But the journals have also provided some insight into Philips life that is quite disturbing and mysterious.  Follow Emily along as she plunges headfirst into unravelling these mysterious secrets in her husbands journals and as she discovers the real truth about Philip and about herself. If you like historical romances and mystery books, you will definitely want to read this book. 

P.S.  I was able to meet Tasha Alexander at Murder by the Book in Houston recently.  She is a lovely, witty woman and quite intelligent.  She does extensive research for all her books and  is quite determined that they be historically correct.  Thank you Tasha for this excellent read! I can't wait to read the next one!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Goings on

Howdy y'all,

Hope everyone is doin' fine. I have been a very busy gal these past few weeks. My daughters and I went to the Texas Teen Book Festival in Austin a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun and very informative. The authors who attended were placed on panels for question and answer sessions. In the afternoon we attended an author book signing session where we were able to get autographs from our favorite YA authors. There was a steam punk theme which added to the fun of the event.

I was also busy doing a book craft, which was fun but harder than it looked. I was able to turn a book cover intona purse. Here is the picture below and you can find a how to video on you tube. Tried posting a photo but it's not working. Oh well, I'll try again soon.

Happy Reading!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Shatter Me

Howdy Everyone,

Thanks for dropping in and reading my latest post.  I am really excited about my latest book review.  It's called SHATTER ME, by Tahereh Mafi and I loved this book!  It was so fantastic that I actually couldn't put it down, honest! Its been a long time since I've been this excited about a story, but this book has it all.  Action-adventure, a little bit of sci-fi and a little bit of romance. It has good guys, bad buys and of course a wonderful adventure! Before I post my review though,
I would also like to thank Harper Collins Teen for my Advanced Reader Copy of SHATTER ME! Below is a pic of this upcoming book.  I just love the cover, don't you?

The main character of the story is a young girl named Juliette.  She has been in an asylum of sorts without human contact for a very, very long time.  But there are other people there.  She can hear their screams!  Juliette knows that she is different, that is why she was placed here at this strange place.  She is cold, hungry, and hasn't had any human contact in so very long.  Its all because of her strange power, the power to kill!  Suddenly, a young man by the name of Adam is thrust into the cell with her.  Can she trust him? Is he a friend or an enemy?

The setting of this book is a futuristic Earth that is on the verge of extinction. Everything is brown, and ugly.  There are no plants or animals, and if they do exist they are rarely seen. A military group calling themselves the Reestablishment is seeking to make the Earth a better place. But are they really or is it just a farce?  Please read this upcoming book by Tahereh Mafi.  You will be thrilled with this author's first book in print!  Publication release for this book is set for November 15, 2011.  Here is a link to this author's web page and don't forget to watch the trailer clip below of Shatter Me!

Happy Reading!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

End of the Story

   I don't know why, but I am always sad when I get to the end of the book I am reading.  Maybe its because I have grown accustomed to reading about the characters of a book on a regular basis. They have become my friends and aquaintances. So, when I have to say goodbye to them I feel sad.  It's like saying goodbye for the last time to a good friend that I will never see again.  Oh, I know that I can read the book again at some later time and place, but it isn't the same as that first time.  Well, maybe it will be in the future, I am getting quite forgetful as I get older.  Just ask my kids. 

   So, I have finished reading my latest book called " The Perfect Mistress" by Victoria Alexander.  Let me start off by apologizing to you Victoria.  I have wrongfully been calling your main male character Harrington, when his name is actually Harrison.  So to those of you who read my blog and to Victoria I apologize for that.  I guess my old age is showing.  The book was well written and the story line was somewhat "expected", it is after all a romance novel and they always seem to come out with the same end result.  The only difference is the journey they take to get to the end result, love and marriage.  While I was able to guess right at the start which man she would end up with in the end, I have to say that I really liked her main characters in this book.  They are funny and good hearted and they brought a smile to my face.  Ahh, to be young again!  I only gave this book a  3 star rating out of 5, but it is a good summer read!  ***

   Hope you guys enjoyed my rantings.  I have currently started reading an ARC book entitled Shatter Me, which will be released in November 2011.  It is being published by Harper Collins and the author is Tahereh Mafi.  This book will be next on my list of book reviews.  I have already started reading it and so far I really like what I am reading.  TTFN

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Currently Reading . . . . .

Howdy Ya'll !  I am currently reading a book called "The Perfect Mistress" by Victoria Alexander.  The main character is  a woman by the name of Julia, who is in desperate need of funds.  Julia is seeking to obtain  those funds by publishing the memoirs of her great-grandmother, who had a scandalous reputation in her day.  While Julia has caught the attention of  a publisher who would very much like to publish her great-grandmother's scandalous memoirs, another man by the name of Harrington, would  like to have those memoirs burned!  Apparently Harrington has a relative who is mentioned in those steamy memoirs, and he's afraid that those memoirs, if published, would ruin his family's reputation! 

What will Harrington do to get his hands on those memoirs and what will Julia do to keep them out of his hands?  Things are steaming up between Harrington and Julia in more ways than one.  I find this romance novel to be witty and well written, and consider this book a good read. Now grab your book,  sit on your back porch,  kick off your boots, and enjoy a nice tall glass of iced cold tea. Ahhhh!

Welcome Ya'll

Howdy Ya'll and welcome to my new blog.  I hope to keep this fun and informative so you'll come back for another look.  I will be happy to share with you the most current books I am reading and give you my down home, bare bones opinion of what I've read. I will also be sharing with you my latest craft projects, photos included.  Come back soon !