Thursday, August 23, 2012

Some Kind of Fairy Tale

Some Kind Of Fairy Tale

Do you believe in Fairies, Tall Tales or Folklore?  If so, then this book is for you.
Tara Martin disappeared in the Outwoods Forest near her home when she was 15. Nearly twenty years have passed since then and no trace of Tara was ever found.
ON Christmas Day, there is a knock at the Martin home, and suddenly there she is
standing in the doorway. Her father doesn't recognizer at first, but her mother does and faints right on the spot.

Tara looks are still the same, like that of the teenager she was long ago. But the Martin family is turned upside down when they hear Tara's tale. There are so many things the Martin's want to know, but when they hear Tara's tale of what happened
to her all those many years ago, they begin to doubt her sanity. Well, wouldn't you?
I know I would doubt her story! No wonder they are having her see a therapist!  The girl needs help sorting out her story!

Then of course, there is Richie, the old boyfriend. He was torn apart when Tara disappeared, but what was worse, he was accused by the police of having killed Tara and hiding her body. And worst of all, it ruined Richie's friendship with Tara's brother Peter. 

So what are we to believe, did these magical things really happen to Tara? Was she taken by the Fairies? Or is her subconscience trying to rebel against what really happened to her by making up these stories in her mind?  I read the book and I still
don't know what to make of it. Hopefully you will have better luck reaching a conclusion than I did.  Let me know what you think of this book ok? I really want to know what you think!